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Takion Technologies

Takion is a trading platform designed for the professional intraday trader. The Takion trading platform is the most customizable in the industry, featuring powerful real-time filters and robust order management. Takion serves both click-based execution traders as well as traders that require hot buttons for speed and efficiency. Order modules and combinations can be tailored to the exact needs of any trader.

Avatar’s trading floors in both New York and Chicago feature direct fiber connections and dedicated Takion quote servers with a 10gb office network to provide the best quotes possible to a trader’s workstation. Remote traders connect to our systems through a dedicated VPN. 

At Avatar, our in-house development teams focus on building supportive technology that is integrated across all execution platforms offered. Our proprietary tools provide user friendly access to stock locates, pre-borrows and securities lending information. Avatar has extensive access to top tier research and an experienced and friendly staff that prides itself in providing high touch support to all Avatar members.

If you currently trade on Takion and are interested in learning about why Avatar is right for you, check out our experienced traders page:

Takion Platform Features

External Linking

Takion can externally link to many third-party charting and research applications such as:

  • eSignal
  • RealTick
  • FsCharts
  • AdvancedGet
  • Bloomberg
  • TradingView
  • Nasdaq
  • TC2000
  • MultiCharts
  • ThinkorSwim
  • TradeStation

Customizable Level 2 and Time & Sales

The Maket Maker Window has the level II, time & sales, level 1 data, and all your executions options. All the data in this window can be added, subtracted, and filtered to cater to your needs as a trader.

  • Alternative Depth-of-Market (DOM) ‘vertical’ ladder view
  • Alternative Consolidated Level II view
  • Time & Sales in MM window or standalone Prints window

Basket Trading

Takion has many features for trading baskets. You can assign baskets to custom tickers to use within the level II. BasketSorter windows are great for viewing baskets and positions with the ability to add execution buttons directly to them.

Layers and Workspaces

  • 9 mutually exclusive layouts. Allows you to have completely different layouts for different purposes or screen setups.
  • Up to 4 togglable layers for your workspace. Layers are perfect for windows you just need to see once in a while.

Additional Features


Set price and trade alerts along with the addition of notes.

Atomic Price

A powerful scanning feature to find stocks moving a specified amount in a given time period, combining this with the other 67 filter options allows traders to see what is moving.

Option Chains

Customizable option chains and option market maker windows

Direct Market Access

Takion is a Direct Market Access (DMA) trading platform. Route your orders directly to specific Exchanges, ECNs, and darkpools.

API Access

The Takion API allows for the creation of your own trading plugins.

400+ Column Options

Takion has the ability to create custom watchlists with extensive filtering options with over 400 data points.

 For additional information about the platform or to request a demo, click here to visit the Takion Technologies website.

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